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Worship Services & Bible study opportunities
Zion Lutheran: 900am worship
Immanuel Lutheran: 10:30am worship
Bible studies happenings at Zion and Immanuel
Sunday morning 8:00am at Zion - join us as we study the book I Corinthians this year
Tuesday morning 9:00am at Zion - all are welcome to join us as we study a variety of topics throughout the year
Saturday morning Men's monthly Bible study (second Saturday of every month) -
Join us to enjoy food and fellowship as we look at where to find the gospel message in every book of the Bible
LWML (Zion) - join us the 4th Thursday of every other month for a pastor led Bible study from the LWML quarterly ***see the calendar for the months we meet***
LWML (Immanuel) - join us every other month for a pastor-led Bible study using the LWML quarterly Bible studies ***see the calendar for date and time***
Ladies aid (Zion) - join us the first Thursday of every month as the pastor leads us on a variety of topics throughout the year
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